A Complete Solution

Compsol IOD Claims Solutions

A Complete Solution

An Alternative To Paper, Red Tape And Mediocrity

Processing and claiming for workmen’s compensation after an injury on duty (IOD) incident is extremely frustrating and time-consuming.

Don’t waste time on the red-tape associated with IOD processes, let CompSol manage it.

Complete solution
We have over 1 200 medical practices that service more than 3 500 medical practitioners and medical service providers in South Africa and, through them, over 100 000 employers.

Our offer to corporates, businesses and government includes a paperless, accurate and seamless process. The management information reporting also ensures compliance, reducing the legal and employee risk of our clients.

Medical service providers, aiding injured on-duty employees, enjoy convenience, accuracy and immediacy when the incident is reported, as well as vastly improved cash flow through the early payment of IOD claims.

CompSol links employers and medical service providers, delivering a full circle of efficiency and speed in a paperless, interactive environment.